Monday, December 16, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

As we are approaching the winter break we are preparing for the transition in a few ways. We are getting students ready for the time off from studies with some review and reflection of the year so far. When we return in January, the first term will be ending the second week back and report cards will be sent home soon after. Part of our work this week is to review with each student the year so far and making a plan for the New Year. We will also be highlighting any missing or incomplete assignments to them and want to provide the opportunity to redo or submit them before their first report card in January. Ms. Wilson and I wanted to remind you that marks are available through PowerSchool, in addition you will be able to see if any assignments are missing or incomplete. If you have any questions, concerns or if there is anything you would like us to be aware of or follow up on please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our emails are and A current review of weekly tasks and work can be found on the class blogs (  and In addition the textbooks can be accessed through D2L.
Thank you for your support

Marla Wilson and Jordan Schultz